Women Veterans 2020 Delegation To Capitol Hill – March 14, 2019: Capitol Hill Day After Action Report
Greetings Delegates:

2019 Public Policy Day Outcomes

“Conversations With Our Congresswomen”

Survey Results
90% of respondents were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with Public Policy Day.
85% of respondents are “very likely” to attend Public Policy Day again.
100% of respondents would recommend Public Policy Day to a friend or colleague.
The majority of respondents reported content (Afternoon Sessions, Speakers/Presenters and Topics) was the most important part of Public Policy Day.
Recommendations For Improving Future Events
Respondents requested more time to network and connect with their fellow Delegates.
Respondents requested more time for Delegates to speak about important issues and provide solutions.
Respondents requested that the event be aired on social media or other forums.
Respondents requested that Speakers and Congressional Staff receive information and questions prior to the day of the event – to enable them to provide more detailed information to our Delegates.
Recommendations & Call To Action For Congress
Support and fund existing services through the VA in order to provide a more streamlined process for efficient and timely care.
Support and fund mental health programs for veterans, particularly programs that address PTSD, sexual trauma and substance abuse.
Support and fund elder care support services to ensure that the growing number of aging veterans are taken care of.
Support and fund housing and child care programs for women veterans and their families.
Consider issues specific to Women Veterans when discussing veteran’s issues.
Support legislation that helps All Veterans with education and employment.
Include Women Veterans & Military Spouses in veteran forums and caucus sessions to capture the voices and learn of the needs of America’s ENTIRE Military Community.
Thank You to the Following Organizations and Individuals for their Contributions to Public Policy Day, 2019!