New Ranks! Media Network January

Editor’s Top Picks: Women of The National Guard
Robin E. Johnson, Sergeant First Class is the Non-Commission Officer of the 252 Quartermaster Company of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. She is the 2018 Women Veterans Award Honoree of The Year. She is a dedicate and passionate advocate for today’s Military Millennials and their families. “It’s so important to coach, nurture and encourage the next generation of military leaders.” – Sgt. First Class Robin E. Johnson
Megan E. Jeeves Jackson, Captain is the Assistant Human Resources Officer of the 74th Troop Command, at the Washington DC Army National Guard. She currently serves as the Assistant Human Resources Manager for 11 units with an authorized strength of over 800 Soldiers. “As a military officer; military spouse; and military mom; I am dedicated to supporting the needs of Soldiers and Families.” – Captain Megan Jeeves Jackson
Theresa Hastings, 2017 Marine Corps Marathon Runner – Is a U.S. Army and Pennsylvania Army National Guard Veteran. Currently serving as a Military Enrollment Counselor at Drexel University Online; Volunteer at – PECO Energy Veteran’s Internship Program at Project H.O.M.E.. “I celebrated a new mission of perseverance in ‘The Winners Circle” at the 2017 Marine Corps Marathon.” – Theresa Hastings
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