Janice Gavern Helps Promote Women Veterans – “Meet Gladys!”
Janice Gavern – American Legion Post 15, Montrose, PA
Introduces “Gladys” Her Newly Purchased 1968 Vietnam Era Military Style Ambulance To Help Promote The History & Service of Women In Military Service To America
Let me introduce you to “Gladys.” She was named after a WWI U.S. Army Nurse, Gladys Watkins, who was originally from Wales but lived in the Western Pennsylvania area. Army Nurse Gladys Watkins died of Spanish flu and pneumonia in France and was buried there. Her friends back in Scranton, Pennsylvania organized and named an American Legion Post in her honor.
We are excited to name our newly acquired 1968 Vietnam Era Military Ambulance “Gladys” in her honor. This Vietnam Era Military Ambulance named “Gladys” will be the centerpiece of our new nonprofit organization called “Remember and Honor Women Veterans.” My daughter Lisa and I are partners in the new endeavor and we are thrilled to announce this news to the Veterans Community.
On The Road Again

Janice Gavern & “Gladys” The 1968 Antique Military Style Ambulance
Carl Kropa, (left, second picture), drove me to Philadelphia on May 1, 2019 to pick her up.
Carl is Commander of the Sons of the American Legion at my Post # 15. He and the SAL have been wonderful. I can’t thank him enough!
Steve Lever, (right), has been my contact at Eastern Surplus right along. Thanks Steve!
“Gladys The Ambulance” was smoking a little, but drove right over to Carl’s trailer and fit onto the trailer just fine!
We delivered “Gladys The Ambulance” to Susquehanna County Career Technology Center on May 2, 2019.

Things moved very quickly. WBRE TV Channel 28 in Wilkes Barre sent a reporter this morning to do interviews and and take many pictures. It’s scheduled for the news broadcasts on the evening of May 2. Below you will see the video and link to the evening news coverage.
Read More – https://www.pahomepage.com/news/vietnam-era-ambulance-to-help-promote-women-in-the-military/1974866025
Submitted By:
Janice Gavern , U.S Air Force Captain (R)
American Legion Post 15
Montrose, PA
If you would like to donate to this Women Veterans Nonprofit Organization –
Email: RememberAndHonorWomenVeterans@gmail.com for more information on how you can donate, support and preserve the stories of Women Veterans Service To America.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_POAImgnek[/embedyt]