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Women Veterans ROCK! Names
The 2018 Woman Veteran of The Year
Robin E. Johnson, Sergeant First Class & Readiness NCO
At The 252nd Quartermaster Company, PA Army National Guard
To Be Honored on Veterans Day At The Annual
Women Veterans ROCK! Veterans Day Rally and Tribute Program in Washington, DC.
Washington, DC – (November 1, 2017) – On Veterans Day, November 11, 2017, the Women Veterans ROCK! Advocacy Campaign will stand among America’s leading veteran service organizations and pay tribute to America’s Women Veterans during its Annual Veterans Day Rally and Tribute Program. It will be held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Washington, DC. It is located at 400 I Street, SW; Washington, DC 20024.
Every year the group recognizes a Women Veteran for her distinguished service, achievements and commitment to serve in the United States Military. This year, Women Veterans ROCK names Sergeant First Class Robin E. Johnson as the 2018 Woman Veteran Honoree of The Year.
Deborah Harmon-Pugh, National Campaign Chair of The Women Veterans ROCK! Advocacy Campaign congratulates Sergeant First Class Johnson for her distinguished portfolio of military service and civilian contributions to society. “She embodies and demonstrates all of the characteristics of the highest national honor from America’s Woman Veterans Community. America salutes Sergeant First Class Robin E. Johnson for her superior service to our country which benefits the common good of all humanity,” says Deborah Harmon-Pugh.
Sergeant First Class Robin E. Johnson is a Senior Human Resources Sergeant serving the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, (PAARNG), and was selected for this national honor for her many years of superior service in support of deployed military service members from PA, NJ, DE and MD. She also provides exemplary civilian service to military families as an esteemed volunteer of The Liberty USO. Her committed leadership style within the ranks of America’s National Guard has been recognized as a revered, caring coach and mentor dedicated to preparing today’s Military Millennials to serve our country with honor and excellence.
“It is an honor to serve, lead and inspire over 300 of today’s Military Millennial Service Members within the Pennsylvania Nation Guard. Together we serve as a leadership team dedicated to developing the best in all of our soldiers. It is my privilege to aid service members in learning that they can press forward and overcome all obstacles set before them” says, Sgt. First Class Johnson.
The Pennsylvania National Guard is composed of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard and the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, (PAARNG). It is one of the largest National Guard in the United States of America.
Sergeant First Class Robin E. Johnson video of service to the Obama Foundation
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The Healthy Caregiver
Community Foundation
c/o “Women Veterans ROCK!”
7782 Crittenden Street – Unit 27774
Philadelphia, PA 19118-0774
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Douglas Memorial UMC
800 11th Street, NE Washington, DC 20002

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