
Women Veterans ROCK! JROTC STEM Institute -School Year 2024-2025 | It’s Our Season of Civic Engagement

Women Veterans ROCK!
Civic Leadership Institute
STEM Class Schedule: School Year 2024-2025

September 21, 2024
October 19, 2024
November 16, 2024
December 14, 2024

January 18, 2025
February 15, 2025
March 15, 2025
April 19, 2025
May 22, 2025

The Women Veterans Civic Leadership Institute, (WVCLI), is a Fellowship Program that teaches participants The Fundamentals of Civilian Civic Engagement and Community Leadership. The Institute is uniquely designed to aid Today’s Military Women, Women Vets & JROTC Cadets in getting involved in community-based leadership opportunities. 

We assist Today’s Emerging Leaders in becoming positive agents of social change for Military Women, Military Families, JROTC Cadets and America’s “NEW RANKS” of Civic, Business & Community Leaders.


Fellows of The Women Veterans Civic Leadership Institute, (WVCLI), are dynamic Social Entrepreneurs uniquely trained and equipped to serve as America’s newest agents of positive social change.  They are passionate about civic engagement and are embolden as civic leaders.  Upon completion of this unique fellowship program, WVCLI Fellows gain opportunities to serve among:

  • Public Policy Leaders serving to improve the overall quality of life for America’s Women Veterans and Military Families;
  • Civic Leaders in powerful sectors of society including: Civic Affairs; Community Services; Small Business Development; Continuing Education; Faith-Based Outreach; Women & Family Healthcare; Law; Media; Politics; and Elected Office.
  • Compelling Agents of Change who serve to benefit and uphold the common good of humanity.

The Women Veterans Civic Leadership Institute provides civic leadership education and training; accompanied by hands-on experiential learning; self-selected In-Service Fellowships/ Project Management Internships; E-Portfolio Programming; and participation in a professional nationwide Alumni Association of America’s leading Military Women.

dally perez

Dallianny Perez Lantigua

Women Veterans ROCK!
Chair, WVR Generation Z Delegation
2021 Graduate - JROTC Cadet Commander

Graduate Commander Dallianny Perez Lantigua is the Women Veterans ROCK Civic Leadership Institute’s STEM Cadet Leader.  She also serves as “Chair of the Generation Z Delegation” for The 2030 Commission for Women Veterans & Military Families.  

Dallianny is a 2021 Graduate from Swenson Arts & Technology High School where she served as JROTC Commander for their Air Force JROTC Program.  She is now  attending Villanova University and majoring in Environmental Engineering.  

Dallianny Perez Lantigua join the Women Veterans ROCK – STEM Leadership Institute For Cadet Girls at age 14.

ZPB Crest

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
National Enduring Partner

Dr. Stacie NC Grant
26th International President

Lt. Colonel Sherrie Bryant (R)
International Military Attaché Director

Previous A Journal For Jordan | A Story of Love & Honor

Contact Us

The Healthy Caregiver
Community Foundation
c/o “Women Veterans ROCK!”

7782 Crittenden Street – Unit 27774
Philadelphia, PA 19118-0774


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Douglas Memorial UMC

800 11th Street, NE Washington, DC 20002


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